
JAQEN – Craft beer moves uptown

JAQEN Craft Beer Bordeaux Expats recently got in touch with JAQEN Craft Beer for a few words on the latest beer shop to arrive in the […]

Shake Shake Go tickets up for grabs!

Shake Shake Go coming to Bordeaux Concert tickets are available for three lucky Bordeaux Expats readers courtesy of Base-Productions. They obviously can’t all go to the […]

Channel 4 on the lookout for expats for their new series!

Are you about to head to France to set up a new life and business? Or are you already there and getting a new venture underway? If so, would you like […]

GIVE AWAY! Bordeaux in 101 Sites & Buildings

LE FESTIN and Bordeaux Expats are giving you the chance to win one of five copies of their latest publication ‘Bordeaux in 101 Sites and Buildings’ […]