OZ-360 founder Ben Hill moved to Bordeaux in April 2018 he is an avid surfer, golfer and ex rugby union player with a passion for human movement. Following an injury to his neck when working as a commercial diver he completed his Personal Training Cert IV in Australia, is registered with the European Union as a certified Personal Trainer and has now received his diploma as a sports coach qualified to coach in France.
When asked to explain his training business in a nutshell, Ben had this to say:
“Having held down office jobs for much of my adult life I’m acutely familiar with the issues that go along with this lifestyle. Particularly that niggling lower back pain which always seems to flare up just when you want to go for a surf or hit a few golf balls.
I endeavour to conduct all my sessions in the comfort of your own home or a close by outdoor space, the reason for this is two-fold. Most of my clients spend the whole day in an office type setting so getting outdoor is a great way to get some fresh air, invigorate the soul and the human organism.
My clients also tend to spend most of the day sitting in a chair, usually in an office or similar environment, so the last thing I would recommend is that they hit the gym to sit in a machine and push weights which could further compress the spine or potentially add to further restrictive joint mobility issues.
This style of training uses mainly body-weight or limited equipment, and many of the movements are inspired by Yoga and Pilates using proper breathing techniques which help to decompress the spine and mobilise joints. Hence it is perfect for all age groups.”
Conducted by a native English (Australian) speaker Oz-360 also offers the unique opportunity for you to practice the English language.
“At OZ-360 we believe that sustainable fitness comes not just through strength and mobility but starts with education and awareness of correct movement and common archetypes you can adopt into your daily life and routine to ensure a pain free mobile existence.”
If you are interested in trying this out to see if it may be a fit for you or just to break the monotony of your usual running routine please visit www.oz-360.com or LinkedIn to contact Ben.
Group training and corporate (specific training) sessions are also available on demand. Drop him a line.