
The Official 2015 Bordeaux Let It Beer Festival (aka the BLIB)

“Beer, so much more than just a breakfast drink…” Ladies and Gentleman, the event of a lifetime is finally upon us. Unprecedented in the history of […]

Bordeaux Let It Beer 2015 – an exclusive interview with the Artibrassage87 brewery

In anticipation of the divine upcoming Bordeaux Beer festival (the BLIB), Bordeaux Expats caught up with one of the guest brewers, Artibrassage87 for an exclusive interview. […]

The 2015 Rugby World Cup – Bordeaux Expats

After England’s recent 6 nations and 100th match trouncing of the shambolic and humiliated French team and as part of the epic British golden decade of sport, the 2015 Rugby World Cup […]

Bordeaux Let It Beer 2015 – an interview with the La Débauche brewery

Bordeaux Expats recently caught up with the second brewer in the BLIB blog series, La Débauche for a bespoke interview about the upcoming Bordeaux Let it […]