The Bordeaux British Community is a long-established social club for English speakers in the Bordeaux region. We organise a full programme of varied activities where you will be able to meet people and get to know the area.
The big annual events are a traditional Christmas dinner, Burn’s night, a children’s party and sports day. Every month we organise midweek lunches and golf days or a variety of outings such as cycle rides, canoe trips, visits to wine châteaux and children’s activities. A popular event each year is a long weekend walking in the Pyrenées.
Who are the members?
Despite the name we are not all British and do not all live in Bordeaux. People of any nationality can join and members live in all parts of the surrounding region from the Médoc to the Landes and inland to the Dordogne. What we all have in common is the English language and what most people appreciate is the opportunity to relax and chat whilst appreciating good food and wine and a wide range of activities.