Since 1995, RIRL has monitored logistics and supply chain management research in terms of methodological aspects and associated workplace experimentation. This is a headline event where interested scholars and professionals have the opportunity to share their experiences during both full conference sessions and smaller workshops.
The 8th RIRL conference will be hosted by BEM Bordeaux Management School in Bordeaux who will offer an attractive scientific program.
AIRL conferences have a long standing tradition of critical discussion and drive for quality research in an open and friendly atmosphere. The social events are planned to allow the blending of networking among participants and the exploration of the city of Bordeaux, its outstanding urban and architectural ensemble, its wines and wonderful climate.
“RIRL 2010”, the Conference’s eighth biennial meeting, is a magnet for researchers throughout the discipline as well as beyond. The conference aims to enhance general understanding of a number of logistics and supply chain-related management issues:
Plus other topics reflecting trends developing in the field of logistics (e-commerce, etc ).
When: 29 – 30th Sept & 1st October, 2010
Where: BEM Bordeaux Management School, Talence