
Expat Snapshots – Le Café Danois

LE CAFE DANOIS by Chris Tighe With the most restaurants per capita in France (numbering over a thousand, Bordeaux certainly doesn’t lack for variety in choosing […]

Taste of Britian in France

Shopping for Expats! British products online. For all expats, living abroad comes with it’s own postive and negative points. Over the years, the things that I’ve […]

The Beerdeaux Pub Guide – The Dog & Duck

Bordeaux Pub Guide The Dog & Duck – It’s a Quacker!! Named after the Manchester boozer where the landlord hails from… To check out the latest […]

Easter Potluck Picnic

EASTER POTLUCK PICNIC  SUNDAY, 6 APRIL @ 12PM – GRADIGNAN All children attending are invited to join in the ICB Easter Egg Hunt!  Bring your baskets! […]